Поиск автора по алфавиту
Pasenov, Konstantin
Pavlova, Lyubov A.
Doct. Sci (Medicine), Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Pathology, Belgorod State National Research University, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5537-2157
Pavlova, Tatyana V.
Doct. Sci (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Pathology, Belgorod State National Research University, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2360-2875
Pavlyuchenko, Ivan
Pazhinsky, Anton
Perederiy, Evgeniy
Peresypkina, Anna A.
Doct. Sci. (Biology), Professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Belgorod State National Research University, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2829-9860
Peresypkina, Anna A.
PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Medicine, Belgorod State National Research University
Perfiliev, Vyacheslav Yu.
Исследователь, Лаборатория промышленной фармации и сверхкритических жидкостных технологий, Алтайский государственный университет